10 foods to lower cholesterol

Cholesterol is a word that most men and women (mostly men) over 30 now fear. This wasn’t a problem in the past but with hectic lifestyles and high stress jobs, as well as the change in dietary choices, it has now become a big problem. Don’t fret though, there are easy ways to work towards lowering your cholesterol levels. Try these healthy food options

| OCTOBER 01, 2015, 12:00 AM IST

Photo Credits: OPED LEAD

1. Oats

If you're looking to lower your cholesterol, the key may be simply changing your morning meal. Switching up your breakfast to contain two servings of oats can lower LDL cholesterol (the bad kind) by a few percentage points in less than three months. The key to this cholesterol buster is beta-glucan, a substance in oats that absorbs LDL, which your body then excretes.

3. Salmon and fatty fish

Omega-3 fats are one of the natural health wonders of the world and have been shown to ward off heart disease, dementia, and many other diseases. Now these fatty acids can add yet another health benefit to their repertoire: lowering cholesterol. According to research, replacing saturated fats with omega-3s like those found in salmon, sardines, and herring can raise good cholesterol as much as 4-6%.

4. Nuts

If you're looking to lower cholesterol levels, research shows that you should get cracking! In a study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people who feasted on around 50 grams of whole walnuts six days a week for a month lowered their total cholesterol by approximately five percent and LDL cholesterol by around 10 percent. Almonds and cashews are other good options. However, while nuts are heart healthy, they're also high in calories, so practice portion control— 50 grams is about a small handful.

5. Tea

While tea has become well known for its cancer-fighting antioxidants, it is also a great defense against LDL cholesterol levels. According to research conducted with the USDA, black tea has been shown to reduce blood lipids by up to 10 percent in only 3 weeks. These findings were concluded in a larger study of how tea may also help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

6. Beans

Beans are good for your heart. Researchers in America found that adding half a cup of beans to soup lowers total cholesterol, including LDL. The key to this heart-healthy food is its abundance of fiber, which has been shown to slow the rate and amount of absorption of cholesterol in certain foods. Try kidney or black beans; each supplies about one-third of your daily fiber needs. Remember to soak them overnight.

7. Chocolate

Ah, the sweet side of a heart-healthy diet: This powerful antioxidant helps build HDL cholesterol levels. In a 2007 study published in AJCN, participants who were given cocoa powder had a 24 percent increase in HDL levels over 12 weeks, compared with a 5 percent increase in the control group. Remember to choose the dark kind. Compared to milk chocolate, it has more than three times as many antioxidants, which prevent blood platelets from sticking together and may even keep arteries unclogged. However, remember to check the amount of sugar in the chocolate on the label.

8. Garlic

Aside from adding zing to almost any dish, garlic has been found to lower cholesterol, prevent blood clots, reduce blood pressure, and protect against infections. Now research finds that it helps stop artery-clogging plaque at its earliest stage by keeping cholesterol particles from sticking to artery walls. Try for two to four fresh cloves a day.

9. Olive oil

Good news: This common cooking ingredient can help your health. Olive oil is full of heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), which lower LDL cholesterol—and have the welcome side effect of trimming belly fat. Use it to make your own salad dressings, marinate chicken and fish, or roast vegetables.

10. Spinach

This popular green contains lots of lutein, the sunshine-yellow pigment found in dark green leafy vegetables. Lutein already has a "golden" reputation for guarding against age-related macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness. Now research suggests that just ½ cup of a lutein-rich food daily also guards against heart attacks by helping artery walls "shrug off" cholesterol invaders that cause clogging. For best results, don’t cook the spinach through. Either blanch in in boiling water for less than a minute or just toss fresh spinach with a bit of yoghurt. You can add mustard or a little dash of paprika for some heat.

12. Avocado

Avocados are a great source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fat, a type of fat that may actually help raise HDL cholesterol while lowering LDL. And, more than any other fruit, this delectable food packs cholesterol-smashing beta-sitosterol, a beneficial plant-based fat that reduces the amount of cholesterol absorbed from food. Since avocados are a bit high in calories and fat (300 calories and 30 g fat per avocado), use them in moderation.

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