Wednesday 24 Apr 2024

Adele shares secret of success

| DECEMBER 27, 2015, 12:00 AM IST

Photo Credits: holly 2_1

THE monumental success of Adele's album 25, not to mention the records she has achieved as a result has got many scrutinising the secret of her magnetic appeal to the public, and it appears the star herself has a suggestion.

"The fact that I'm not shy or embarrassed to be falling apart. Everyone falls apart, I think. A lot of people try to be brave and not shed a tear. Sometimes when you know someone else feels as shitty as you do, or approaches things in a certain way just like you do, it makes you feel better about yourself. Even though my music is melancholy, there's also joy in that. I hope I do bring joy to people's lives, and not just sadness, but I think there's a comfort in it. But I honestly don't know. If I knew, I would bottle it, and sell it to everyone else," she said.

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