Dr Patkar’s book on days at ARJ published on ‘Human Trafficking Day’

THE GOAN NETWORK | JULY 31, 2021, 11:14 PM IST


Dr Rupesh Patkar, who spend some days working with NGO ‘Anyay Rahit Jindagi’ (ARJ) at Goa’s most notorious red-light area in Vasco’s Baina beach, published his book ‘ARJ madhale divas’ on July 30, the ‘Human Trafficking Day’. The book highlights life in this red -light area, the plight of the women living here until the slum was uprooted a few years ago. Baina area in Vasco was known as a red light area some years ago, and NGO 'ARJ' was working in the area for the upliftment of women. The NGO taught the women here to live a life of dignity and helped them in times of crises. Dr Patkar who worked in the NGO for some time, has tried to pen the experiences he had. The book unfolds this in an effective manner, stated Jayesh Madhav, while speaking on the book.

Dr Patkar’s book speaks about the police roundups, prostitution, the financial transactions, nexus with crime etc, in a vivid fashion. The writer has tried to present the work of 'ARJ' and the oppression that these women face from society. “They are vulnerable, and each woman has a story of her own, that touches the heart of the readers. The book has been successful in painting an effective picture of the happenings here,” says Jayesh Madhav.

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