Don't wait for dams to overflow

ELVIDIO MIRANDA, Panaji | JULY 03, 2022, 07:28 PM IST

On an average, Goa has received 40 inches of rainfall by now, give or take 2-3 inches from place to place and it has been indicated that the water reservoirs are already 50% full. Considering that one third of the rainfall has been received as the average annual monsoon rain is about 120 inches, it may indicate that dams will reach their danger levels. To prevent last minute releasing of dam water leading to flooding, especially when it is raining heavily it may be suggested that in consultation with the IMD, Goa a road map can be drawn up to release in advance water from the five main dams during dry spells so as to avoid flooding of low-lying areas. Based on weather conditions provided by the meteorological department, it would be prudent to avoid releasing water from filled up dams at times when there is heavy rainfall. A calibrated time table can be devised to benefit the entire Goa and flooding be reduced considerably. This will also go a long way in reducing stress on the structure of the dams.

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