Saturday 15 Feb 2025

Eliminating use of plastics, step in the right direction

MELVILLE X D'SOUZA, Mumbai | FEBRUARY 04, 2025, 07:43 PM IST

This is with reference to the report "BITS Palani  faculty wraps up plastic with eco-friendly packaging - The Goan Everyday - February 4, 2025." This is certainly good, encouraging news for those who care for the environment. Researchers at BITS BIRAC Bionest working on biodegradable packaging material with a view to eliminate the use of plastics, is a step in the right direction. However, this packaging being biodegradable should not mean that people can just throw it anywhere these please. It is so disgusting to see plastics of all kinds strewn all over the place on the roads, railway stations, beaches, gardens just about anywhere. It seems like people have indeed lost their civic sense. Did they ever have some civic sense, one wonders.

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