Saturday 21 Sep 2024

Time to commit ourselves to road safety

GREGORY E D'SOUZA, Siolim | FEBRUARY 29, 2024, 07:28 PM IST

The government has asked the Department of Transport to clamp on rent-a-cab vehicles speed governors. Will this help or is it just another way of bringing in some money into the govt coffers? What Goa needs is AI on traffic management fitted with speed cameras to capture the traffic violations and negligence of every Goan rider or driver and the tourists who drive in Goa. They do not realise a small mistake of overtaking or overspeeding or not showing of the signal lights can cause an accident costing the loss of a precious life, an only breadwinner of the family and the full family remains in total state of shock.  It's time we act and commit ourselves to road safety rules and regulations and let's not keep on blaming the government for bad roads, start filing complaints at the consumer reconciliation committees or consumer redressal forum for making the government to act. I would suggest that the high beam lights be provided with a  black spot on the high beam bulb and the safety belt be fluorescent  so that it can be spotted through the tinted glasses or by the cameras.

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