Wednesday 17 Apr 2024

We should also tip table cleaners at restaurants

SRIDHAR D'IYER, Caranzalem | JUNE 27, 2022, 07:03 PM IST

When we go to a restaurant (starred or unstarred), the general tendency is to tip the valet who parks our car, door man who salutes smartly and opens the door, perhaps the chef for the excellent food, and definitely the waiter who patiently serves us. Unfortunately, a majority of the patrons do not tip the cleaning crews. These are the people who maintain hygiene of the tables and take away the dirty plates and glasses without much fuss. Noticing the wasted food, their thoughts may be of the children and adults who do not get a single meal in a day. These silent workers who may be paid a pittance as compared to the other staff, carry out a less dignified task of cleaning the table spilled with waste by the customers. Let us appreciate their work and tip them generously for even at our homes many of us would be reluctant to do this ‘dirty’ work. 

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