Trump’s Russian mess

| JUNE 17, 2017, 06:15 PM IST

There seems to be no end to the charges and counter charges thrown at US President Donald Trump making him the only person in the White House to court so much controversy so early in his tenure. Trump can easily be labelled as the Teflon entrepreneur because nothing serious every stuck to him. But now he facing a threat in the form of special counsel Robert Muller who is probing Russia’s role in the 2016 elections and extending the scope to examine if Trump sought to impede the probe and if there were any links between his team and the Kremlin. Trump might find it difficult to sweep this one under the carpet, but on the other hand, it will take more than just allegations and innuendos to nail the President. Trump has called it a, “witch hunt led by some very bad people”. In the political arena it all depends on which story is perceived as more credible. In legal terms the President has little to fear. Even if indicted he will remain in office unless Congress, which is dominated by Republicans, thinks the findings are serious enough to merit impeachment. Despite this position, Trump will have to do a great deal of fire-fighting to rescue his image from the Russian mess.
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