Saturday 21 Sep 2024

Winter Gardening

| JANUARY 14, 2018, 02:54 AM IST

The coming of the pleasant winters marks the favourite time of the year for many gardeners. A perfect season, with the earth still being moist enough and the sun not so harsh. So, planning for the upcoming summers and preparing the plants for the monsoons -there's plenty to keep you busy.
When the weather is as mild as it has been recently, you will have the uninvited visitors flourishing around ~ weeds. These invaders take hold of the whole garden and remain unnoticed for quite a long time. This is what you got to do; check your beds and borders as well as pots and pathways for some emerging weeds. Do not miss removing all roots of perennial weeds. The uprooted weeds can be a good addition to your compost pit.
Preparing the Soil
Going organic is the ideal thing to do! Tilt your soil and add in some readily available organic compost. The compost can either be purchased or be prepared with the kitchen waste. It is organic and costs you nothing!
Water consistently
While it is important to maintain the moisture in the soil so that your plants don't tend to dry out, it is equally important that they are not over-watered. Remember to water deeply and give soil the time to dry partially before watering again. Improper watering can reduce yields and hamper the quality of produce.
Begin with pruning or cutting off the dead, diseases or damaged stems as soon as you see them. The dead plant parts tend to attract insects and invite diseases to develop. Also, when pinch of a fading flower or a dead fruit from the branch immediately. Add them again to your compost pit.
Vegetable gardening
The pleasant weather with enough of water reserves available sets many green fingers to work. Raddish, Red Amaranth leaves, Turnip require a well manured bed with loose soil. Also cluster beans, okra, brinjal and chilies seeds can be sowed in pots or containers owing for lack of space.
Fruits tress
This season is ideal for transplanting the fruit sapling from the polythene bags to the ground. Consistent watering and regular manure will make the plants sturdy enough for the monsoon in June.
Flower blossoms
The winter hosts a number of flowering plants all in bloom. And the most vibrant among all are the members of the Aster family like Daisies, marigolds, gerberas. These plants require loose soil, manure with good amount of compost and preferably add some cow dung. The flowers are astounding. Similarly add some tube roses, roses, lilies, adeniums, periwinkles, pentas, hibiscus to your collection.

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