Wednesday 24 Apr 2024

Justice, not revenge

The Supreme Court has suggested harsher punishments for child rapists and one suggestion that came up was chemical castration.

| JANUARY 13, 2016, 03:01 AM IST
 This form of punishment for atrocious,
inconceivable and cruel crimes is practiced in South Korea, nine states in the US and Russia. Chemical castration involves administration of anti-androgen drugs which reduce sex drive, sexual fantasies and capacity for sexual arousal. This suppression of sexual feelings disappear when the drugs are withdrawn, although the long term effects on the body are yet to be determined. This form of punishment was sought by Supreme Court Women Lawyers Association which had filed a plea before the court. There is no evidence to show that harsher punishments
act as a deterrent and the tougher laws enacted after the brutal
rape of a paramedical student in Delhi have proved to be
ineffective in instilling fear. Maneka Gandhi was right when
she pointed out that any demand for a harsher punishment
is equivalent to seeking revenge, which is barbaric. It would
take us back several centuries, to the days when justice was
administered by the sword. The present laws and the recent
amendment to treat juveniles over 16 years of age as adults in
gruesome crimes seems sufficient and greater emphasis needs
to be placed on crime detection and quicker trials.
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