A shell-sufficient day out

With beaches becoming increasingly crowded, finding that ideal location for a perfect getaway can sometimes be elusive. Some beaches however, remain hidden from most, and provide that perfect location for some time away from the world

Fernando Monte da Silva/The Goan | JANUARY 26, 2013, 07:39 AM IST

When in Goa and experiencing a quandary as to what can bedone in just one day, a short drive is in order. It is the country’s greatestknown fact that the sunshine state is renowned for its beaches. But this is noCalangute or Colva that has served as Goa’s branding for eons. The beach inquestion is a beast of a completely different nature.

One of the relatively unknown and virgin beaches of thestate is that of Velsao. With an expanse of sand and palm trees that suggestrelaxation, this beach that lies along the southern coast of Goa is one of thequiet tourist destinations in the beach capital of India. Sandwiched betweenBogmalo beach towards the north and Majorda beach towards the south, Velsao iseasily accessible by both road as well as rail. The beach also makes anexcellent day trip from other parts of Goa.

This geographical wonder is nothing short of a storehouse ofnatural treasures. The pure air as you stroll along the beach and the coolsaline breeze that invites you towards the warm waters of the Arabian Sea, puttogether everything that you would look for in that touristy postcard to send backhome. The sand that adorns these shores constantly beckons its visitors tospend the day either sunbathing, partaking in a variety of beach activitiessuch as football or tossing a Frisbee or just lazing about.

The beach also offers a few beachfront cafes, shacks andsmall restaurants that change with every passing season. These have plenty ofexotic local fare made up primarily of seafood and fish curries on offer. Themain draw however, is the availability of superb spots to squat at, whiletaking in a trademark picturesque Velsao sunset.

Being away from the madding crowd does have its detrimentsthough. Places to stay at Velsao are hard to come by if you are hard to please.Do not expect luxurious five-star resorts here. The frankest recommendation isthat of looking for home-stays. The experience is one that will definitely bepleasing to those who relish the simplicity of life through a first-handexperience with the rural nature of the local inhabitants.

There is a church situated in Velsao known as the Our Ladyof Assumption Church which is exactly located at Vernao. A fair is held at thechurch grounds on the occasion of local feasts that serves as a coming togetherof the entire village, and life virtually comes to a standstill in the villageas well as along the coast. While you may not find much ‘happening’ by thebeach during that span of time, a multi-cultural paella unfolds at the heart ofthe village: the church square.

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