Saturday 27 Jul 2024

Khazans: A case of govt neglect

| DECEMBER 30, 2022, 01:24 AM IST

The recent episode of destruction of khazan land at Morombi-O-Pequeno, Merces has exposed the flaws in the unoiled government machinery.

First, the trucks involved in filling the khazan belong to Damodar Transport, the same operator whose trucks were earlier red-flagged by St Andre MLA Viresh Borkar and handed over to the police.

Surprisingly, after repeat violations, the trucks were released after a fine was imposed as police say they have no powers to initiate any stricter punitive action.

As if that was not enough, the person who was involved in the land filling activity is also said to be a 'habitual offender' who was also stopped from such activity in the adjoining Morombi-O-Grande.

And then, comes a shocker wherein the tenant of the khazan land in question is said to be a migrant. The Mormobi-O-Pequeno communidade is the owner of the land and the tenants are given ownership rights for undertaking only agricultural activities under the Agricultural Tenancy Act.

But, in this specific case, the land has been allegedly sold to a migrant who was never the original tenant.

The neglect of lands owned by Communidades and the illegalities on them have long agitated many. This is another among many across the State.

Question is, will this incident in Merces serve as an eye-opener and force the government and Communidade administration to look for ways to improve the law and safeguard these age-old gaunkari lands? A sad narrative indeed.        

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