Saturday 18 Jan 2025

Mango show at Kala Academy from May 17

THE GOAN NETWORK | MAY 09, 2024, 09:21 PM IST


The Directorate of Agriculture, Government of Goa is organizing a two days State Level Mango Show in Goa from May 17 to 18 at Kala Academy, with an objective to identify and maintain the data of the different local varieties cultivated in Goa.  During the show different varieties of mangoes cultivated in the state will be displayed. Demonstrations, workshop/seminar will be held on various mango production technologies, marketing and other aspects of mango. Competitions of Mango fruits of different Goan varieties, hybrid varieties, sucking type (Ghontam), exotic varieties and other Indian varieties will be held during the show. Any farmer/ individual, non government institutions having mango trees grown in the state of Goa are eligible to participate in the display and competitions. Participants can submit any number of entries and each entry should have minimum of 3 mangoes. No entry fee will be charged. Cash prizes will be awarded for the best three entries in each category.  The entries should be submitted to the nearest Zonal Agricultural Office on May 16 before 5:00 pm or can be submitted directly at the venue on May 17 before 10:30 am. The competition for fruits and mango value added products – (Pickles, Jams, Juices, Leather etc) will also form the part of Mango show. Those interested in participating in the various competitions can obtain the entry forms, rules and regulations and other details from nearest Zonal Agricultural Office or visit website

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