Thursday 02 May 2024

Task force must take note of ventilation in schools

R FERNANDES, Margao | OCTOBER 18, 2021, 11:27 PM IST

Recently, WHO chief scientist said waiting for all children to get vaccinated will be endless and schools can be started with precautions. She also mentions holding classes outdoors or in well ventilated rooms.

This is a very good observation that the government needs to take note. 

In Goa, the Task Force, DoE and the government are willfully ignoring this important ventilation precaution. Nowhere in the SOPs is this mentioned for casinos, schools, malls, cinema theatres, busses etc.

One must note that closed or unventilated places are conducive for the virus to mutate. With some schools resuming classes for Std 9 to 12, the situation could be dangerous for our children.

The task force must also take note of the fact that the effectiveness vaccine wanes after 6 months. 

The concerned officials should not look for an easy way out or else we will be treading on dangerous grounds again. 

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