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What is bipolar disorder?

Dr Rohan Fonseca | AUGUST 01, 2021, 12:30 AM IST
What is bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder wherein the patient shows swings of mood from manic episodes to episodes of depression. It is in essence known as bipolar disorder because a person suffering from the disease may show two different kind of personalities.


 During a manic episode of bipolar disorder, the signs and symptoms to look out for in an individual include increased energy and restlessness, irritable mood, racing thoughts, anxiety, impaired speech, dangerous and risky behaviour.

 In this phase, the patient feels super talented, super mighty, super gifted, like nothing in the worlds can touch him, and it is at this juncture that he makes uncalculated decisions like risky investments, goes on shopping sprees, over indulges in alcohol and drugs.


 Let us now have a look at what are the symptoms of depression in bipolar disorder. In the phase of depression, the patient feels an overwhelming feeling of uselessness, irritable, inability to concentrate, feels hopeless and in extreme cases, may have plans and thoughts and even sometimes acts of suicide. If you notice, this phase is the polar opposite of the manic phase.


 There is also a third phase called hypomanic phase. The symptoms are similar to manic phase but milder.


 Typically, the patient who is bipolar manifests with mood swings from a manic phase to a depressive phase or may lie somewhere in between. To make this clearer, Bipolar disorder is classified into four main types:

 BIPOLAR 1: The patient has to hit a maniac phase at least once.

 BIPOLAR 2: The patient has to hit a depression phase at least once.

 CYCLOTHYMIA: The patient’s mood swings between a bipolar manic state  to a mild depressive state. It is important to note that in cyclothymia, the patient does not enter into an acute depressive phase. These phases can last from anything between days to a few


 DYSTHYMIA: A low grade depression which can last even for years.

 Bipolar disorder is often diagnosed in adolescence or in young adults The exact cause of the disease is not known but it is thought to be having a genetic component. So, if you notice any one in your family or friends showing these kinds of symptoms please get him to your

 general practitioner or psychiatrist as soon as possible.

 It is important to note that the person suffering from the disease is not aware that he is having a problem and hence, it is important for you to lend him the necessary help. The individual suffering from the disease is unable to help himself. There is nothing to be ashamed or feel embarrassed about, as this could happen to anybody. Just like people have a body ache or fever, which is a disease of the body, people can also have a disease of the mind which can be controlled. You can control the disease if you intervene in time.

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