Goa clears decks for sand mining across 12 zones



Decks have been cleared for resumption of legal sand mining in the State as the Goa State Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) has granted prior Environmental Clearances (ECs) for sand extraction in 12 zones across River Mandovi and Zuari. The ECs, however, valid for a period of one year, are subject to the clearance from the Goa Coastal Zone Management Authority (GCZMA). 

In November, last year, the Authority had deferred decision on grant of ECs for sand extraction in these zones following errors in the District Survey Reports (DSR). The District Collectors and Directorate of Mines and Geology (DMG) were directed for proper determination of the zones.

The SEIAA in a communication to DMG on Monday granted prior EC for proposed sand extraction under EIA notification in Zone 4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10 of River Mandovi and Zone 2,3,5,6 and 7 in River Zuari. 

“The EC is subject to the clearance being obtained from the GCZMA by the project proponent,” SEIAA said. 

It said that the EC is valid for a period of one year from the date of the issuance of sand permit and is subject to revalidation based on replenishment study through the DSR. 

The Authority has directed the DMG to explore the possibility of

limiting the number of permits per zone to approximately 5 to 7.

The Authority has issued a series of directives to DMG, including ensuring geo-tagging of canoes, conducting a study of the riverbank to assess erosion risks, surveying the bank to identify illegal activities, and submitting a compliance report every six months.

Sand extraction is limited to 1,000 cubic meters annually per permit. Only manual methods are permitted for extraction, and mining operations are allowed from 6 am to 6 pm. Additionally, all extraction activities are strictly prohibited during the monsoon season.

Based on the DSR submitted by the District Collectors, the DMG had applied for ECs. As per the study, the mineral potential across the Zuari River is 30,81,109 MT and for Mandovi 60,27,899 MT as per the NIO study.

Other conditions imposed by the authority include: Electronic monitoring of activities using drones, deployment of a patrolling and flying squad, restriction of sand extraction depth to a maximum of 3 meters and maintenance of a 25-meter buffer zone on both sides of the riverbank.

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