The house which was gutted in a fire at Parsem-Pernem. Photo: Nivrutti Shirodkar
A house was gutted in a fire at Parsem-Pernem on Tuesday morning, destroying property worth about Rs 3 lakh.
A short circuit is believed to have started a fire at the house of Prateek Naik at about 10 am and within a short while, the entire house was engulfed in flames.
A fire brigade from the Pernem fire station extinguished the fire and saved property worth Rs 2 lakh, but property worth an estimated Rs 3 lakh was gutted in the fire.
On receiving news of the fire mishap, Mandrem MLA Jit Arolkar visited the site and consoled the affected family, while also assuring assistance to them. He was accompanied by Panchas Swapnil Naik, Ajit Morajkar and others.
“We will immediately make arrangements to repair the destroyed roof and this work will be completed as soon as possible, so that the affected family can return to living in their home,” said Arolkar.