Saturday 27 Jul 2024

Substandard drain works at Mandur: Workers directed to keep aside muddied construction material

Sarpanch says material got mixed when PWD workers were repairing water pipeline

Substandard drain works at Mandur: Workers directed to keep aside muddied construction material

The construction material mixed with mud, which has been kept aside at Dhatem Bhat, Mandur.

Photo Credits: Manuel Vaz


Mandur Sarpanch Prashant Naik has clarified on allegations by a former sarpanch regarding substandard and unnecessary drain works that have been carried out in the village.
Former sarpanch Ajit Bacal had informed reporters on Tuesday that mud was mixed while undertaking construction of one drain in the village while in another instance a drain was unnecessarily being approved despite one already existing in good condition.
Bacal had then charged the Mandur panchayat for resorting to corrupt practices. Incidentally, this is the only panchayat which is backed by the Revolutionary Goans Party.
Clarifying on both issues, Naik stated that in the first instance of construction of drain at Dhaktem Bhat, the mud got mixed with the construction material when the PWD workers were working on repair of a water pipeline.
“But, when we noticed the same, we immediately directed the workers to keep the mud-mixed construction material separately,” Naik informed.
On the other drain being unnecessarily approved despite there existing a drain in good condition at Padri Bhat, Naik stated that the work on the same was approved by the Village Development Committee (VDC) as well as by the gram sabha.
“The work was actually proposed by the panch of that ward. After approval by VDC and gram sabha, the same was sent to the higher authorities and the work was approved after inspection by the JE,” the sarpanch pointed out while stating that the work on the drain has now been stopped.
“The higher authorities will submit a report on the drain work and only after clearance, the work would be resumed,” Naik added.
When The Goan pointed out that if the drain work is not completed before the onset of monsoon, there could be problem of water logging, Naik said that the panchayat’s hands are tied and the work cannot be resumed till higher authorities grant clearance after probe.
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