Locals mourn loss of India at cricket world cup final, demise of popular ross omelette kiosk owner
Sameer Gosavi
Photo Credits: The Goan
Sunday was a mourning day for several people in Vasco as they not only endured the heartbreak of the loss of India at the cricket world cup but also mourned the demise of a popular ross omelette kiosk owner.
Sameer Gosavi (52), who lost his life in a self-accident on Sunday night was a prominent personality and ran his ross omelette kiosk near Tanya Hotel for many years. He was the star of the town after dusk with many customers flocking to his kiosk to savour many of the Goan delicacies served by him.
Such was the popularity of Gosavi that the Chicalim Sub District Hospital was full of people upon hearing the news that he had passed away in an accident. People who rushed to the hospital included Mormugao Municipal Council MMC Chairperson Girish Borker and Vasco BJP Mandal president Deepak Naik. Many people from different parts of Vasco and even as far as Cortalim, Zuarinagar, Velsao and other places went to the hospital.
Many remembered Gosavi as a smiling man at the Kiosk and serving extra food at no extra cost. Gosavi would open his kiosk at around 7 pm and would usually close down late into the night.
"His love for food was well-known and he himself was a very big foodie. He had a difficult phase some time back and his leg had to be amputated due to diabetes but he was never unhappy and always smiled and that did not deter him,” said Vinay Naik of Vasco.
“Gosavi’s passion for good and tasty food made him start a ross omelette business and within a short time, he had surpassed everyone in the business. It was no surprise that his menu card included over 20 items ranging from the traditional ross omelette to dishes of fish, chicken, mutton, prawns, crabs and squids”
“Gosavi also got his son into the business and would sit on the cash counter, usually interacting on various topics with customers and updating himself on day-to-day events from different parts.”
Naik said Sunday was a special day when people from distant places like Calangute would call and arrive at the kiosk to eat various delicacies. “Everyone would always be served extra at the same cost. Any person ordering soup, for example, would get more soup after half the bowl was finished and many a time, regular customers would get extra fish cutlets at the same price.”
“Many times, his customers did not have money to pay him immediately but would eat at his kiosk without worry and we do not know how he made profits with such generosity," said Naik.
Gosavi was not restricted to his food business and would also perform traditional rituals at the Holi Festival at the Khapreshwar Temple in Belabai-Vasco.
"Thousands of people in and around Vasco participate in the annual rituals of the Holika during the eve of Holi at the Khapreshwar Temple in Belabai and offer their prayers and pray for the health, wealth and well-being of the family for the entire year,” said Naik.