Thursday 02 May 2024

Materially prosperous and morally bankrupt

JOHN ERIC GOMES, Porvorim | MARCH 30, 2023, 08:14 PM IST

In Myanmar the military government crippled its political opponents by dissolving dozens of opposition parties including the one headed by Aung San Suu Kyi for not meeting registering deadlines, she is sentenced to imprisonment by the court on trumped up charges. The people of Israel are agitating on the streets because their PM wants to bring a law where parliament can override the courts, he himself is facing serious charges. In India the PM says all opposition parties are corrupt and his party the BJP is squeaky clean! The Supreme Court has warned the government over not taking action against hate speeches and for mixing religion and politics. After putting two of the stalwarts of the AAP behind bars, the latest I hear is that the EC is thinking of derecognizing AAP. The world seems to want to become materially prosperous and morally bankrupt.

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