China should own responsibility for Covid

ELVIDIO MIRANDA, Via e-mail | JANUARY 12, 2021, 12:29 AM IST

The Covid-19 pandemic has now claimed a toll of just over 1.9 million lives worldwide, which is comparable to the entire floating population of Goa. America (3.74 lakh deaths), Brazil (2.03 lakh deaths) India (1.51 lakh deaths) Mexico (1.33 lakh deaths) and UK (81,000 deaths) are amongst the worst affected according to Johns Hopkins University figures. Over a year has passed since the outbreak of Covid-19 in Wuhan, but although vaccines have been deployed in America, Britain and a few other countries, the infected number has reached the 90.2 million mark worldwide and the death toll especially in America and Britain continues to hit new peaks. Who is responsible for unleashing this diabolical virus and what is the degree of accountability that has to be apportioned? It is known that the origin of the virus was in Wuhan in China in December 2019. Even the World Health Organization fact-finding team was not allowed to visit China to investigate the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. What is the degree of blame that has to be apportioned on China, which is not cooperating with WHO for the investigation into the origin of the virus? Can the world only stand as a mute spectator to this deadly trail of death?

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