Remo scores with punches at Goenkarponn in new video

The video has already got 18,000 views on Yotube

The Goan Network | OCTOBER 05, 2018, 02:34 AM IST

TITLE: The Goa That I used To Know
LENGTH: Five minutes and forty-five seconds long
VIEWS: Already got 18,000 on Yotube
SHARES: Several thousands on social media 
The chicanery in business dealings, deceit and fraud in real estate transactions and the sharp decline in morality and etiquette believed to be spiraling in current day Goenkarponn
>> I miss the real men, whose promises meant more than the stamped papers, which today waver like wafers, blowing in the monsoon rain ...

PANAJI: Pop icon Remo Fernandes just did what he's known best for, throwing punches and articulating the general decline of Goa's way of life or 'Goenkarponn', as it has come to be known of late, in his inimitable, lyrical genre through new score he released a couple of weeks ago.
Sarcasm, fact, interpretation, critique and more are packed in the lyrics of the melancholy "The Goa That I used To Know", a video of which the iconic Siolim native and arguably one of the more famous Goan personality of contemporary times.
Themed on the commonly heard 'paradise lost' lament about 'Goenkarponn', the lyrics however stand out for the pop icon's inimitable gems of critique on multiple facets of the Goan way of life.
The five minutes and forty-five seconds long video has already got 18,000 views on Yotube and "several more thousand shares" on whatsapp and other social media platforms, as Remo said in his Facebook post uploading it.
Remo has seemingly weaved his take on the recent 'Formalin-in-Fish' imbroglio into the lyrics when in an intermittent verse he sings about the 80-day formalin-in-fish imbroglio which is yet refusing to die thus: "I miss the times, when no one poisoned our minds, neither fish nor humankind, before our harmony went blind."
The song begins with a chorus that says: "I love the Goa that I used to know, once upon a time a long time ago, I go looking for places and faces I used to adore. I love the Goa that I used to know, a long long time ago, but she doesn't exist, she doesn't exist anymore."
The chicanery in business dealings, deceit and fraud in real estate transactions and the sharp decline in morality and etiquette believed to be spiraling in current day Goenkarponn finds mention in yet another verse that goes thus: "I miss the real men, whose promises meant more than the stamped papers, which today waver like wafers, blowing in the monsoon rain." The 65-year-old Remo, who first shot to national fame when he performed the specially composed 'Hello Rajiv Gandhi' live before visiting prime minister Rajiv Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi in 1986, opted for naturalized Portuguese citizenship in 2014.
He may have moved out of Goa to live in Porto where he says he rediscovered the essence of the Goa that he grew up in, but a part of his heart still lives here as "The Goa That I Used to Know" reveals.   

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