Quick Tips for Watching TV with Your Child

| DECEMBER 30, 2015, 12:00 AM IST

Photo Credits: tips

- Choose TV shows that reinforce family's values.

- Limit your child's 'screen time' – TV, computers, video games, etc.

- Keep TV out of your child's bedroom so that you know what he's watching, how much he's watching, and when he's watching.

- Help your child choose programmes that are right for his age and interests.

- Use the TV guide and help your child choose the programmes he wants to watch during the week.

- Watch television with your child when you can so you can help him understand what he's seeing and hearing.

- Choose programmes for your child that encourage creative and critical thinking and make her want to learn more.

- After your child watches a programme, encourage her to draw a picture about what she saw or heard.

- Record your child's favourite shows so she can watch them over and over again. Remember that children learn from seeing things more than once.

- When you have recorded a programme, you can "stop the action" from time to time and discuss the programme with your child.

- Plan to do activities with your child that relate to the theme or story of a programme he watched.

Encourage your child to talk to the television when she is watching a show.

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