Cabral to crack whip against graft in PWD

THE GOAN NETWORK | MAY 23, 2022, 12:09 AM IST


Public Works Department (PWD) Minister Nilesh Cabral on Sunday talked tough against corruption in his department saying he will not hesitate to take action against engineers involved.

"Corruption should not happen. I don't know if it is happening. But if it does, strict action will be taken against the engineers," Cabral said in an interview to a news channel.

Referring to corruption involved in the process of granting approvals and payments of contractors who have already executed work, Cabral said he will take immediate action in instances where the clearance to actual bills is delayed beyond 15 days.

Speaking on the condition of roads particularly in relation to pot-holes, Cabral said a system has to evolve by which the department of its own rectifies without waiting for the public to complain.

On the question of the quality of work executed by contractors, Cabral said, a mechanism will be put in place where the engineers will be held accountable for the work executed by contractors.

Cabral said, he has issued instructions to the Principal Chief Engineer (PWD) to streamline processes in the department, particularly related to clearing bills of the contractors and expressed confidence that it will be done.

He said, it cannot be done overnight and that it would take some time, adding that what was needed is political will, which he has.

"It cannot happen overnight. I am not a Superman. I will create a separate team for monitoring," he said, adding that if he is accountable, so should the engineers and officials of the PWD also be accountable.

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