Hurdle cleared for NH66 expansion between Quepem and Canacona

The Goan Network | NOVEMBER 30, 2024, 01:31 AM IST


The last and final hurdle along the stretch between Bendurdem (Quepem) and Polem (Canacona) of the NH66 has been finally removed, with a Request For Proposal (RFP) for four-laning of Benordem–Start of Canacona Manohar Parrikar Road (MPCBR) and from MPCBR to Polem on Hybrid Annuity Mode.

In a notice inviting bids issued by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways through the Public Works Department (NH) Goa, the central government has entrusted to the authority the development, maintenance and management of four laning of Benordem-Start of MPCBR and from end of MPCBR to Pollem on NH-66 in the State of Goa on Hybrid Annuity Mode.

The bidding process will be carried out for selection of a private entity as the bidder to whom the project may be awarded.

The total length of the two sections of the NH66 highway is 22.1 km and the estimated project cost (excluding GST) is Rs 952.23 cr.

The complete BID document can be viewed/downloaded from the official portal of CPPP website ( until January 13, 2025. The bids received online shall be opened on January 14, 2025.

The notice inviting the bid, which is signed by the Chief Engineer & Regional Officer, further states that Bidder shall also upload the technical big on the BIMS portal ( as well as existing CPPP portal ( on or before 11 am on January 13, 2025.

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