Chief Minister Pramod Sawant-led Cabinet on Thursday approved an over 100 per cent increase in property rates for coastal talukas of Bardez and Pernem, where demand for real estate has surged, particularly after the new Manohar International Airport (MIA) in Mopa. The minimum price per sq metre has risen from Rs 3,000 to Rs 8,000 in these two talukas.
Sawant stated that this hike was primarily for commercial developments while the common man will not be impacted for building residential properties on plots up to 500 sq metres.
“When the government is taking any decision, it is for the overall development of Goa… We even increased rates of zone conversion … The common people will not endure any burden with the present hike in land prices, especially those building residences in 500 sq mteres. They will continue with the old rates,” he said.
Explaining the reason for the rise in land prices, Sawant pointed to rapid development in Bardez and Pernem with an indication to replicate similar adjustments in other talukas as development progresses across Goa.
Calangute, Candolim, Anjuna, Siolim, Saligao and Assagao are just a few areas in Bardez in high demand, largely from non-Goans looking for second homes or starting business ventures. Similarly, Pernem’s real estate demand has surged after the commissioning of the MIA at Mopa.