Sadguru Brahmashanand urges Goans to vote

The Goan Network | MAY 06, 2024, 01:24 AM IST


As the Lok Sabha elections in Goa approach, citizens are reminded of their constitutional right to vote, emphasising the importance of active participation in the democratic process.

Addressing the community, Shree Datta Padmanabh Peeth, Peethadhishwar Sadguru Brahmashanand acharya Swamiji, highlighted the significance of voting as a means to confer leadership upon those dedicated to the nation’s advancement and public welfare.

“India being our beloved motherland, it is incumbent upon us to make a judicious choice at the ballot reflecting our profound concern for the nation’s wellbeing. With the Lok Sabha elections in Goa slated for the 7th of May, it is imperative that every citizen present themselves at the polling booths to cast their vote, thereby voicing their aspiration for a progressive and developed nation through the democratic process,” Swamiji said.

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